The project will open as normal and you should now be able to modify the project in its new location. Open the project folder from its new location, then double-click it to open the project file (vbproj, cproj, etc). Now save your changes and close Notepad.ħ. For example, if I want to change the path of my ConsoleApp2 project from “ ConsoleApp2\ConsoleApp2.vbproj” to “ MyNewFolder\ConsoleApp2.vbproj” I would make these changes to that line: Project('Ħ.
Change the line (usually line 6) that starts with “ Project” to reflect the path you wish to use. Right-click the solution file (.SLN), then select “ Edit with Notepad“.ĥ. Step 2: Install ODAC: 1) Run the downloaded exe. For coding with our ADO.NET package, find Oracle Data Provider for. Note: Support for Visual Studio 2019 is coming soon. From your Downloads folder, double-click the bootstrapper that matches or is similar to one of the following files: vscommunity. If you are using Visual Studio 2015 Click here to download ODAC for Visual Studio 2015. This new lightweight installer includes everything you need to both install and customize Visual Studio. In this example, I am moving my project from a folder at C:\Users\mbartlett\source\repos\ConsoleApp2 to C:\Users\mbartlett\source\repos\MyNewFolder.Ĥ. Run the bootstrapper file to install the Visual Studio Installer. Move all of the project files to the new location. Navigate to the location where your project is stored using Windows File Explorer.ģ.
Save and close the project if you have it open.Ģ.