An incomprehensible sect, hanging noodles on the ears.
Hardworking, has plans for the future, has technical and scientific achievements. But in general, quite a respected people. The Chinese have never respected private property, which is probably why their pockets are empty. Unless the guards have bullets and stimulants.
If we run around the houses, climb on all sorts of wardrobes and bedside tables, look into the pockets of passers-by, then we will not find anything there. On the ruins of San Francisco Shea built the city, using their submarine as a building material. And so it happened that the enemies found refuge with those who were bombed. That is, they are already about a century and a half. They settled here almost immediately after the war. The first and most numerous, and one might say the main one is Shi. At the time of the arrival of the chosen one, three peoples live here, so to speak.
San Francisco is the last major city in fallout 2.